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Managing a Diverse Workforce - Language and Cultural Barriers


Communication with a diverse work force can be problematic resulting in Unsafe Work Conditions, OSHA Citations, or worse... accdicents and deaths - data shows that the Latino Workforce is 35% more likely to have casualties on the job site. This class addresses the cultural communication equation, enlightening management to proven methods and solutions.Training for Management and Workers

Multicultural competency training: A dynamic and in-depth training to understand the fundamentals of interactions between different cultures, how communication is affected by them and the contextual cues involved when dealing with cultural diversity. Accurate objective achievement through assertive communication, effective conflict resolution, and cultural competency practices are covered in every module. 1.1 Management: Conducting business with a diverse cultural population poses the need for an understanding of diversity in order to meet the objectives and safety guidelines of the company and maintain a high index of employee motivation and satisfaction. When achieved, both parties experience a level of understanding that spikes performance and communication. In the field of safety, managers are prompted to convey their message clearly and in a manner that leaves no room for error or doubt; therefore, reducing the rate of liability for the company while offering their employees not only clear information, but also a sense of caring for their physical integrity. An employee that feels cared for performs better and produces more. A manager that becomes educated about how to handle diversity communication is a tremendous asset for any organization. 1.2 Employees: Performing as an employee in a host culture can become challenging; as individuals we perceive, process, and face challenges differently and most of these behavioral differences are rooted in our cultural backgrounds. Therefore, employees that are culturally diverse also need to get acquainted with the values, social and contextual cues of the host culture and of the company they are working for. It is in the best interest not only of the employee, but also the employer, to possess an accurate understanding of what is required of them according to the occupational profile in which they perform at the company level, as well of the guidelines and policies that accompany that occupation.