Crane Signal Person Training English Spanish PreviousNext $210 per person Multiple languages and locations are available upon request. Contact us today! or Call 815-630-2717 This class provides participants with essential information to comply with the OSHA Signal Person Qualification requirements described within CFR1926.1428. This course also covers the types of signals used when operating cranes and an overview of equipment operations and limitations, and hazards associated with rigging. Participants must pass written and practicle exams. The employer of the signal person must ensure that each signal person meets the Qualification Requirements prior to giving any signals. Qualification Requirements. Each signal person must: Know and understand the type of signals used. If hand signals are used, the signal person must know and understand the Standard Method for hand signals. Be competent in the application of the type of signals used. Have a basic understanding of equipment operation and limitations, including the crane dynamics involved in swinging and stopping loads and boom deflection from hoisting loads. Know and understand the relevant requirements of § 1926.1419 through § 1926.1422 and § 1926.1428. Demonstrate that he/she meets the requirements through an oral or written test, and through a practical test.